Gothra:, the family or clan in which one is born. If not known, enter "Sai"
Nakshatra: the rising lunar star when you were born. If not known, enter Date and Time of Birth. We will calculate your Nakshatra based on that.
Raashi: the rising lunar sign when you were born, If you don't know and are using DOB and TOB in Nakshatra field, then enter the Place of Birth in the field, we will calculate your Raashi.
Important: It is important that you enter accurate birth details; especially when you are entering Date of Birth (DOB),Time of Birth (TOB) and Place of Birth(POB) to enable us to accurately calculate your Nakshatra and Raashi.
Please do not use birth details calculated by western or other astrological methods. If you want to calculate yourselves, then use a Vedic calculator.
Same applies to birth details of your family members.